Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Camp SLO 2013!! :)

It is that time of year again! Every year all the LAUSD JROTC schools go to camp San Luis Obispo towards the end of the year! It is an exciting event that all cadets look forward to and all cadets HOPE they get picked to go, only 15 cadets are chosen annually, so it is very tough! It's a great place to go and meet new people from the other schools and it's a great experience. We stay there for 5 days and by the end of those 5 days no one wants to go home because they don't want to leave all those great people they met and they don't want to leave this great experiences behind.
When we arrive we go through the basic drills and we are told the rules we must follow and we get to go outside with our school and just hang out and mingle with the other schools. The real fun starts on the second day! We wake up before the sun even rises and go eat breakfast at the mess hall before we start our activities for the day. The activity scheduled for us that first day is the obstacle course. It's about half a mile long and you must do monkey bars, run through tires, crawl under things, jump a 10 foot wall, run through more tires, climb up another wall, drag yourself across a rope, crawl through a barrel, run through MORE tires and you are finished with the obstacle course once you run that half mile back to where you started and complete however many pushups they tell you to do! It's very tiring and you do that about another 3 times and you call it a day. Lol 
On the second day we are scheduled to go to our math and science classes where we do a little simple math and build little toy cars and race them. Building a toy car out of one battery and strings is actually harder than it may sound!. Lol After our class is the much anticipated DANCE! Wooooo that's always a lot of fun! :)
The third day we get to go to the rappelling site. We march a couple miles to get up there but the walk does us well. When e get to the rappelling site we start making harnesses and start swinging across ropes and exercise a little more lol but our turn finally comes up to go to the big cliff! The mountain we rappel down is about 70 feet tall and it is very scary going down but it's a lot of fun! It's a great experience and although here are many people that are reluctant in doing it, they participate anyways. Lol
That closes up our camp experience and the next day we're on our way back home :( Everyone always seems to enjoy themselves and that's always the important part but we'll see how it turns out this year Lol
I'll see you all when I get back! Lol Until next time :)

-Cassie :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Blood Drive!! :)

Our annual JROTC blood drive is coming up on February 13, 2013 and we're working with the Red Cross this year!! Everyone who is 16 years or older is welcomed to come and donate blood! By donating 1 pint of blood you can save a life! Needles can be very scary and believe me I know but don't you want to be able to say you were able to save a life just by donating blood!
Come and support the JROTC program! Not only will you receive a free shirt but there will be FREE food! :)
Come donate and save a life!!

Cassie :)